Cherry Biotech @Porquerolles Photothermal Effects In Plasmonics (24-29th June 2018)

1st Summer School on


This first edition of the Summer School ‘Photothermal Effects in Plasmonics‘ will take place in Porquerolles’ Island, from the 24th to the 29th of June 2018. It is intended to gather more than 60 people from many countries worldwide in a wonderful place on the Mediterranean see.

For this first edition, 12 lectures and 3 contributing talks will be proposed to cover most of the concepts involved in thermoplasmonics, from the fundamentals to the more advanced and promising applications, in order to enlarge your vision and gain solid knowledge in thermoplasmonics. In addition, posters and discussion sessions will be organized, to make this school the perfect occasion to share your latest findings and research projects. Learn more…

CherryTemp A temperature precision technology for live cell imaging

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