A Genetic Screen for Temperature-sensitive Morphogenesis-defective Caenorhabditis elegans Mutants
ABSTRACT Morphogenesis involves coordinated cell migrations and cell shape changes that generate tissues and organs, and
ABSTRACT Morphogenesis involves coordinated cell migrations and cell shape changes that generate tissues and organs, and
A new microfluidic system allows the high throughput phenotyping of C. elegans embryos! Martin A. M.
Ever looked for info about the roles of actin in asymmetric cell division? Everything is reviewed
Discover new in vivo protocols to understand contractile ring dynamics during cytokinesis in C. elegans embryo
For the first time Zhuo Du et al. correlate mRNA and protein expression in C. elegans
Early cell divisions of the AB lineage, but not of the P/EMS lineage, undergo chiral counter-rotating
C.elegans embryonic development uses redundant genes and are epigenetically shaped by parental adaptations to survive. Conrad
Role of Daf-2 insulin signaling in the embryonic elongation of C. elegans, a daf-2 loss of
THE GENETICS OF CAENORHABDITIS ELEGANS (1974) Sydney Brenner shed light on the Caenorhabditis elegans in 1974 with his
A fundamental breakthrough in the understanding of development through the realization of the complete transcriptome of
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