Heater/ Cooler for Drosophila Pack

Embryo, Lavae, puppal stages, full fly

Cell division, calcium signaling, electrophysiology, tissue culture and aging

Compatible inverted and upright microscope

Ultrafast & precise temperature shift [10′ sec - 5 to 45°C]

CherryTemp ultra-fast temperature controller allow you to:

  • Visualize the effect of temperature changes on your sample in the seconds’ timescale
  • Live imaging: cell division process, embryogenesis, brain and tissue and calcium influx
  • Compatible with a wide range of developmental stages from lavae to full fly.


  • Perform temperature shifts in less than 10 seconds with +/- 0.1 °C precision.
  • Dedicated protocols co-designed with our customers.
  • Easy handling, fast mounting on a microscope stage
  • HR microscopy compatible fits all upright and inverted microscopes.

publications featured cherrytemp

Some significative Drosophila publications :
1)Zihan Zhu et al, 2023, Multifaceted modes of γ-tubulin complex recruitment and microtubule nucleation at mitotic centrosomes, Journal of Cell Biology
3) Emily et al, 2022, Presynaptic contact and activity opposingly regulate postsynaptic dendrite outgrowth, eLife
4) Steven J. et al, 2021, An autoinhibitory clamp of actin assembly constrains and directs synaptic endocytosis, eLife
5) Amrita Mukherjee et al, 2020, Microtubules originate asymmetrically at the somatic golgi and are guided via Kinesin2 to maintain polarity within neurons, eLife
More C. elegans articles published with our CherryTemp system: Read more

download ebook

a Complete guide to select the right temperature control system for live imaging

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What Users Say About CherryTemp

“The Cherry system is now in full use in my lab and it is working beautifully on its own. The Cherry system is great for stably maintaining temperature on our microscopes”

Dr. Julie Canman Columbia University Medical Center, USA

“CherryTemp rapidly became one of our favorite piece of equipment in the lab. It’s easy to use and works fast and well. The Cherry Biotech team is always super helpful.”


“The Cherry Temp is perfect for use in imaging core facilities. Its design allows its installation on a wide panel of upright and inverted microscopes and easy training of users thus, promoting development of innovating research project. The customer service is always helpful and responsive.”

Dr. Stéphanie Dutertre BIOSIT LABORATORY, France

“CherryTemp allows us to perform temperature shift experiments with unprecedented speed and precision with C. elegans embryos. It is very well designed and easy to use. Moreover, we found the the customer service at Cherry Biotech to be very responsive and competent.”

Prof. Pierre Gönczy EPFL, SWITZERLAND

“CherryTemp was the perfect solution for us to combine precisely controlled temperature stimuli and live cell imaging in our functional studies on thermosensory neurons in C. elegans adult animals. The system is straightforward to use and we were impressed by the responsiveness of the Cherry Biotech customer service team and by the quality of the support provided.”


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